

The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks by Amy Charlotte Kean @keano81 @unbounders @RandomTTours #LittleGirlWho #BlogTour

The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks by Amy Charlotte Kean is published by Unbound and is available now. My thanks to the author and publisher for the review copy and Anne Cater of Random Things Tours for inviting me on to the blog tour. 

An irreverent, feminist fairy tale for adults that teaches us to care less about what others think. 
This is the story of a brave young girl, Elodie-Rose, who one day decides to change the world and keep all her fucks in her basket. Wait a minute. You’re confused. What are fucks, you ask? It’s quite simple, really. Fucks are her self-esteem; all the happy, sad and wonderful thoughts that sit in her basket. They sit in every girl’s basket. And every girl must give these fucks away every time someone asks. One day Elodie-Rose decides to break rank and find out what happens if those fucks stay where they are… 
My Thoughts: 

My initial thought when being invited to review this book is that I wasn't sure it was something for me. I did however like the premise and as a female that has spent her whole life trying to put her Fucks back in the basket I was so pleased to discover this unique medium of delivering the message of girl power and feminism. 

The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks is fairly short and would be better in the physical form I would think to get the full impact. The illustrations are magnificent, and add that little sparkle of magic to the writing of the author. This story is told in verse and I think that only helps to put across the message contained. 

I love the message contained, the empowerment of women all wrapped up in the unique writing and humour of Amy Charlotte Kean all through the medium of Elodie-Rose. Life is not easy for girls and self esteem is just one of the things that can be a struggle. This is a mantra, a signal that is ok to be yourself. No need to fit in, no need to dance to the tune of others. We should be standing up and standing out. 

I would say that this book is suitable for all, but would have a great impact for young teenage girls and adults alike. Yes there is a swear word but Fuck is just a word nonetheless and in this case is an aid to the impact of the message. 

Anyway over and out, I have to go and find my Fuck basket and start filling it right on up. It is time to start being more Elodie-Rose. 
About the Author: 
Amy Kean is an advertising strategist, writer, media columnist and lecturer from Essex whose short stories, poems, rants and reviews can be found littered across the web on professional and unprofessional websites. 10% of her profits from this book will go to the charity Writing Through, of which she is an ambassador. 
Twitter: @keano81
J. Milton is a comic artist and illustrator living in Glasgow. They make a fantasy webcomic called The Flying Ship, and personal diary comics centred around polyamory, queerness and supportive relationships. The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks is their first book. 
Twitter: @jmiltondraws
Please do have a look at the other stops on the blog tour.

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